Kámen a písek, spol. s.r.o.

The largest producer of crushed aggregates in the South Bohemian Region

We are a modern mining company, our product is a complete range of quality crushed aggregates that can be used in all applications in construction. We produce about 2,500,000 tons per year, while the production capacity of our quarries is almost double. We currently operate ten quarries throughout South Bohemia — Plešovice, Ševětín, Písek, Rejta, Kobylí Hora/​Prachatice, Krty, Bor/​Lutová, Jistec, Zrcadlová Huť and Štiptoň. Our plants are equipped with the latest crushing and sorting technology. We also care about the ecology of operation, we use anti-dust and anti-noise devices, which effectively reduce dust and noise emissions into the environment. After the mining activity ends, we carry out effective reclamation and return the affected areas to nature and the human community.

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Products and services


We produce crushed aggregates according to valid European standards for all uses in construction. In our quarries, we process hard igneous rocks of granulite, granodiorite, gneiss and high-quality white crystalline limestone in the Krty quarry using stationary and mobile technologies.

Thanks to the use of the most modern mobile crushing and sorting lines, we are also able to cover the instant requirements of the market, especially during major infrastructure constructions. With us, you can be sure that we will meet all your quantitative and quality requirements.


A separate KaP Forwarding center was established to provide complete services to our customers. Thanks to our spedition, we are able to ensure the delivery of aggregates to their destination within a single phone call from our customer.

In České Budějovice, on Okružní Street, we built a Sales Terminal, from which we quickly and operatively supply buildings and customers in this region without the need to commute to individual quarries. In this way, we have improved customer service and accelerated the supply of buildings.

Machine shops

The central workshop, whose main task is repairs of our machinery, serves for technical support of establishments and the fastest possible repairs and ensuring constant operation. Its large capacity and high expertise allow it to perform repair, locksmith, welding and electrical work for other entities.


Our TennisCentre in Český Krumlov.

TennisCentre is a sports and recreational complex on Chvalšinská Street in Český Krumlov. The complex includes a tennis hall with 3 artificial grass courts, 4 outdoor clay courts, a beach volleyball court, a multifunctional court and an outdoor swimming pool.

You can stay in a guest house with 7 rooms and 21 beds.

The complex has a restaurant with modern Czech cuisine with 50 seats and an outdoor terrace with 50 seats.

Our quarries

The uniquely dense coverage of the South Bohemian Region by our quarries minimizes distances and thus the costs of transporting aggregates. So far, the last acquisition from 2015 is the Jistec quarry.

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With the supply of our aggregates, we participate in many important constructions, whether they are motorways, roads, railways, residential or industrial construction or water structures. Our advantage is a quality raw material, high capacity and quality of production, and excellent coverage of the South Bohemian region by quarry networks.

Strážkovice bypass

Quarry: Rejta
Manufacturer: Eurovia, Chazep
Realization: 2021

Č. Budějovice airport, runway extension

Quarry: Plešovice
Manufacturer: Hochtief
Realization: 2017-2018
Note: Aggregate for concrete PDK 8/16, 11/22, mobile concrete plant directly on the construction site, Construction layers PDK 0/63

Motorway D3 Veselí n. Luž. - České Budějovice

Quarry: Ševětín , Plešovice
Manufacturer: Swietelsky, Metrostav, Strabag, Eurovia
Realization: 2016-2020

IV. railway corridor Veselí n. Luž.-Horusice

Quarry: Ševětín
Manufacturer: Eurovia
Realization: 2012-2014
Note: Subsoil replacement, railway foundation, railway superstructure, PDK 0/32 kv, PDK 32/63 B I

Interconnection of Č. Budějovice transport circuits

Quarry: Ševětín , Plešovice
Manufacturer: Strabag Č.Budějovice, Chazep
Realization: 2009
Note: Subsoil replacement, active zone, construction layers, use of faction 0/16 with binder

Motorway D4 Mirotice - Třebkov, Nová Hospoda

Quarry: Písek
Manufacturer: Eurovia CZ
Realization: 2007
Note: Construction layers PDK O / 63, MZK 0/32


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