Quarry Písek

It supplies the Písek region and partly the Strakonice region


daily 6:00–14:30, break 10:30–11:00

loading until 15:30 possible to order on phone No. 723 690 343 two working days in advance


daily 6:00–14:30, break 10:30–11:00

Grain size Product Norm
PDK 0/4 PDK ČSN EN 13043
PDK 0/4 PDK ČSN EN 13242+A1
PDK 4/8 PDK ČSN EN 12620+A1, ČSN EN 13043
PDK 4/8 PDK ČSN EN 13242+A1
PDK 8/11 PDK ČSN EN 13043
PDK 8/16 PDK ČSN EN 12620+A1, ČSN EN 13043
PDK 11/22 PDK ČSN EN 12620+A1, ČSN EN 13043
PDK 8/32 PDK ČSN EN 13242+A1
PDK 16/32 PDK ČSN EN 12620+A1, ČSN EN 13043
PDK 32/63 PDK ČSN EN 13242+A1
PDK 32/63 BI PDK ČSN EN 13450, č.osv. 44/2021-SŽ
GP 63/125 GP ČSN 736133, zák.č. 102/2001 Sb.
PDK 0/32 PDK (ŠDA) ČSN EN 13242+A1, (ČSN EN 13285)
PDK 0/32 kv PDK dle OTP SŽDC, č.osv. S 676/05ČD z 31.1.2005
PDK 0/63 PDK (ŠDA) ČSN EN 13242+A1, (ČSN EN 13285)
MZK 0/32 - mechanicky zpevněné kamenivo MZK (GA,GC) ČSN EN 13242+A1, (ČSN EN 13285)
PDK 0/8 PDK (S-F) ČSN EN 13242+A1, (ČSN 736133)
PDK 0/16 PDK (G-F) ČSN EN 13242+A1 (ČSN 736133)
G-F 0/125 G-F ČSN 736133, zák.č. 102/2001 Sb.
Kamenitá sypanina drcená 0/250 kamenitá sypanina drcená ČSN 736133, zák.č. 102/2001 Sb.
LK - netříděný, Lomový kámen netříděný Lomový kámen netříděný zák.č. 102/2001 Sb.
Soliterní kámen Solitérní kámen zák.č. 102/2001 Sb.
Kamenitá sypanina 0/500 - skrývka Kamenitá sypanina ČSN 736133, zák.č. 102/2001 Sb.


We produce crushed aggregate and quarry stone for all uses in construction. The individual aggregate are duly certified and regularly tested according to European aggregate standards and other technological standards according to the specific use.


Distribution of aggregate according to grain size, which is obtained by sieving through a system of sieves. The grain size indicates the range of mesh sizes of the lower and upper sieves in millimeters. The larger the number, the larger the aggregate. Ex .: PDK 4/8 - natural crushed aggregate with a grain size of 4-8 mm.


  • PDK: Natural crushed aggregate

  • PTK: Natural mined aggregates

  • MZK: mechanically reinforced aggregate

  • ŠD: gravel

  • G-F: gravel with a mixture of fine-grained soil

  • GP: badly grained gravel

  • S-F: sand with a mixture of fine-grained soil

  • Loose aggregate - loose aggregate formed by the disruption (mining) of rock

Products covered by Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 305/2011 are issued with a Declaration of Performance (DoP).

For products covered by Government Decree No. 163/2002 Coll. the Declaration of Conformity is issued as amended.

For other products, the Manufacturer's Declaration is issued according to Act No. 102/2001 Coll. on general product safety, as amended.

CAUTION! When transporting bulk substrates, the load must be secured to prevent its spontanneous release. (see Act 361/2000 Coll. on traffic on roads).

Overview of valid aggregate standards:

  • ČSN EN 12620: Aggregates for concrete

  • ČSN EN 13043: Aggregates for asphalt mixtures and surface layers of roads, airports and other traffic areas

  • ČSN EN 13242: Aggregates unbound, and bound with hydraulic binder for civil engineering works and roads

  • ČSN EN 13450: Aggregates for railway beds

  • ČSN EN 13285: Unbound mixtures

  • ČSN 73 6133: Design and implementation of a road substructure subbase

General info

Annual production capacity:
400,000 tons.

Quarry technological equipment:
Three stages of crushing: Desilter, DCJ (1,600 × 1,250), 1x Svedala H-51.1x Nordberg HP200. Automatic gravel mixing equipment according to the specified grain size distribution curve (MZK).

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